
We assess the students based on not just the regular marks but also on what they have learnt after reaching our school. How they have been groomed is recorded by the teachers and a comparison chart is shown to the students at the end of the session which gives a very good account of what the student has achieved.
Police Public School, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, doesn’t give ranks. As per the curriculum rules we give them the grades. We don’t make the students feel that they topped the class or that they scored very less marks. We try to find a remedy for the students who under perform. And appreciate the efforts of students who perform exceptionally well. After each chapter is completed, there is a test and this is done as it will become easy for students when they appear for the Periodic tests.
Appearing for the Periodic Tests gives confidence to the students to appear for the Term End Exam and the Annual Exam. The question papers, the answer sheets, the seating arrangements, all go a long way in making the child ready to take on bigger exams.
The parents and the teachers are well connected with each other. Interactions happen on a daily basis via messages and sometimes calls too. There are regular Parent Teacher Meets. This ensures that the parents are aware of what the child needs to improve upon or how the child is performing in the tests and also to understand the child’s behavior in the school.